拉丁舞 考级大纲
发布时间:2022-03-11 15:16:06   浏览:1217次

拉丁舞 考级大纲

1、手拉手                hand to hand                                 (3小节)
2、定点转                spot turn                                     (1小节)
3、直行前进后退步        progressive walks forward and back ward        (6小节)
4、阿里曼娜(手中转)    alemana                                     (2小节)
5、基本步                basic movement                              (2小节)
6、扇子步                fan                                          (2小节)
7、阿里曼娜(手中转)    alemana                                      (2小节)
8、闭式扭臀              closed hip twist                               (2小节)
9、曲棍球棍步            hockey stick                                  (2小节)
10、开式扭臀             Open hip twist                                (2小节)
11、阿里曼娜             alemana                                     (2小节)
12、横侧步               side step                                     (2小节)
13、库克拉恰(挤压步)    cucarachas                                   (3小节)
14、定点转               spot turn                                     (1小节)
1、手拉手                hand to hand                                (2小节)
2、三个恰恰侧行位        three cha cha cha promenade                  (2小节)
3、纽约步                check from open pp                           (1小节)
4、后退锁步沙赛侧行位    back lock and chasse pp                       (1小节)
5、肩对肩                shoulder to shoulder                           (2小节)
6、时间步                time step                                     (2小节)
7、纽约步                check from open pp                          (3小节)
8、定点转                spot turn                                     (1小节)
9、阿里曼娜              alemana                                     (2小节)
10、基本步               basic movement                             (4小节)
11、扇子步               fan                                         (2小节)
12、曲棍球棍步           hockey stick                                (2小节)
13、前进后退             forward & backward                         (4小节)
14、阿里曼娜             alemana                                     (2小节)
15、臂下左转             turn left under the arm                        (1小节)
16、定点转               spot turn                                    (1小节)
1、并退基本步            fallaway basic                                (3小节)
2、右至左换位            change of places right to left                 (1小节)
3、左至右换位            change of places left to right                 (1小节)
4、背后换手              change of hand behind back                 (1小节)
5、左至右换位            change of places left to right                 (1小节)
6、连接步                link                                       (1小节)
7、侧行走步              promenade walks                          (1小节)
8、抛开步                throwaway                                (1小节)
9、背后换手              change of hand behind back                 (1小节)
10、左至右换位           change of places left to right                 (1小节)
11、美式疾转             American quick spin                        (1小节)
12、连接步               link                                       (1小节)
13、并退抛开步           fallaway throwaway                         (1小节)
14、左至右换位           change of places left to right                 (1小节)
15、连步绕转             link whip                                    (2小节)
1、手拉手                hand to hand                                (3小节)
2、定点转                spot turn                                     (1小节)
3、臀下左转              turn left under the arm                        (2小节)
4、阿里曼娜              alemana                                     (2小节)
                         closed hip twist                               (2小节)
6、前进后退走步          progressive walks forward and backward      &nbs